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Malteser Promo Smurfs
New promotional smurf released for charity

In 2003 a new promotional smurf was released. It was produced by Schleich for Malteser Hilfsdienst (Maltese Aid Service) in Germany to celebrate their 50 year anniversary. 5000 of these smurfs were produced but only 2000 were available to the public. The Maltese promo smurf is based on First Aid smurf 2.0054.

Following the success of the first Maltese promo smurf, Malteser Hilfsdienst released four more smurf figures the following year in 2004. This set included Techno smurf 2.0437, Nurse smurfette 2.0139 as well as two more First Aid smurfs.

First release of the Maltese promo smurf - 2003Second set released 2004

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