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Internationale Soccer Smurfs Discovery

There are a few different type of soccer smurfs available, the particular set that we are referring to is generally known as Internationale Soccer, can be indentified by having a dot on the shirt of the smurf and have been included in the German smurf guides as USA teams. Our belief is that these particular soccer smurfs are not USA teams but in fact UK club teams and other European national team colours. Our theory is based on the fact that during the early 80's when these smurfs were available, USA was not really into soccer as a sport at all and the majority of these smurfs are being found in the UK. Here are some possibilities for the various colours:

  • Red shirt / white shorts / black socks = Manchester United
  • Red shirt / white shorts / red socks = Arsenal
  • Red shirt / red shorts / red socks = Liverpool
  • Red & white striped shirt / black shorts / red socks = Sheffield United, Southampton, Stoke City, Sunderland
  • White shirt / black shorts / white socks = Tottenham Hotspur, Derby, Swansea City
  • Orange Shirt / Black Shorts = Wolverhamptom Wanderers, Holland
  • Yellow shirt / blue shorts = Sweden

Please contact us if you have any infomation regarding these smurfs.

Example Of The Internationale Soccer Smurfs

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